August 2018

Avnish's Blog

Welcome Avnish Yadav's Blog

Day 5 - Simple Image Classification using Convolutional Neural Network 

Hello guys, This is day 5 of my #100DayOfMLCode challenge. Today, I am building a convolutional neural network that will be trained o...

Avnish Yadav 30 Aug, 2018

How to Communicate Between two Lightning Components using Events?

Event : An event can be something the browser does or something a user does. The lightning framework uses event-driven programming. Handle...

Avnish Yadav 30 Aug, 2018

<apex:actionFunction> Implemantation using SelectOption

Hey Guys, Today I am going to show how to make show how to use <apex:actionFunction>. In this article, I am going to rende...

Avnish Yadav 30 Aug, 2018

Day 4 - Building a Simple Neural Network

Hello guys, This is day 4 of my #100DayOfMLCode challenge. Today, I build Simple Neural Network using Python. I read an article of...

Avnish Yadav 29 Aug, 2018

Support Vector Machines(SVMs) in Python

What is Support Vector Machine(SVM)? In machine learning, support vector machines (SVMs, also support vector networks) are supervised ...

Avnish Yadav 29 Aug, 2018

Custom Pagination Without Using Offset in Salesforce

Today, I am going to share a code that how we can build custom pagination without using Offset. For that, I am using visualforce and ap...

Avnish Yadav 29 Aug, 2018

Day 3 - Python Libraries for Machine Learning

Hello guys, This is day 3 of my #100DayOfMLCode challenge. Today, I read blogs about different Machine Learning Algorithms and implem...

Avnish Yadav 28 Aug, 2018

Parent to Child Trigger Using List.

In this blog, I am sharing the code of trigger it will update the contact field on updating or insertion of Account field. Here, I am j...

Avnish Yadav 28 Aug, 2018

Child to Parent Trigger using Map

In this blog, I am sharing the code of trigger it will update the account field on updation or insertion of Contact field. Here, I am j...

Avnish Yadav 28 Aug, 2018

Day 2 - MNIST Handwritten Digit Recognition

Hello guys, This is day 2 of my #100DayOfMLCode challenge. Today, I implemented  the MNIST handwritten digit recognition task in Pyth...

Avnish Yadav 27 Aug, 2018

Flow of code in Salesforce Lightning Event

Let’s say we have Component A and Component B and an event E. You want to move from A to B then, The flow of Code in Lightning Eve...

Avnish Yadav 27 Aug, 2018

Day 1 - Implementing Linear Regression In Python from Scratch

Hello guys, This is day 1 of my #100DayOfMLCode challenge. Today, I studied the importance of Machine Learning and how we use it to s...

Avnish Yadav 26 Aug, 2018

What is the difference between deep learning and usual machine learning?

Over the past few years, the terms “Deep Learning” and "Machine Learning" have firmly worked its way into business language ...

Avnish Yadav 26 Aug, 2018

Day 0 - 100 Days of ML Code Challenge

Hello guys, from today onwards I am going to start 100 days of ML code challenge. I am doing this challenge because I want to improve m...

Avnish Yadav 25 Aug, 2018

What are the uses of microcontrollers and microprocessors in our day-to-day lives?

Microcontrollers are used in the system who is designed to perform the specific task like mp3 players, digital watches, and any others...

Avnish Yadav 20 Aug, 2018

What are the different addressing modes with help of examples?

Let us think that the memory of your computer is byte addressable. Every datatype like integer, floating / double number, string tak...

Avnish Yadav 16 Aug, 2018

What is a stack pointer in 8085?

It is a special purpose  16-bit register  that stores the address of the “ top of stack ” . A  “Stack”  is a  LIFO   -  “Last In First O...

Avnish Yadav 16 Aug, 2018

How many output pins are there in microprocessor 8085?

Pin configuration of the microprocessor 8085 is shown in the figure:- It is a 40 pin DiP(Dual in Package) IC by Intel introduced in ...

Avnish Yadav 16 Aug, 2018

How can I remember microprocessor 8085 programs?

In microprocessor’s assembly language programming, a program can be made in many ways using different addressing modes. Once you have ...

Avnish Yadav 15 Aug, 2018

Why is the first drive name "C" not "A" in Computers?

When personal computers initially took off, hard disk drives that we use today were not the storage standard. At that ...

Avnish Yadav 15 Aug, 2018

What should you not waste time on in your twenties?

Watching tv series I know its addictive but one thing you have to understand, there is no end to entertainment. Thousands of tv s...

Avnish Yadav 15 Aug, 2018

Flow of code in Salesforce lightning event

Let’s say we have Component A and Component B and an event E. You want to move from A to B then, The flow of Code in Lightning Event...

Avnish Yadav 9 Aug, 2018