What are the uses of microcontrollers and microprocessors in our day-to-day lives?

Microcontrollers are used in the system who is designed to perform the specific task like mp3 players, digital watches, and any others whereas microprocessor are being designed for general purpose applications like in computers in which you can perform any task.
Microcontrollers are come up with the many on-chip timers, memory (RAM & ROM), Etc. whereas in Microprocessor you need to connect all this like memory, timer chips externally. Microcontrollers have limited capacity but Microprocessor comes with huge capacity.

source: Wiki For You
Source of Images: Google
So if you wanted to design any application, no doubt go with Microcontrollers. They are chipper and nowadays very easy to use. However, wanted to build the system you have to use Microprocessor, Robust and has a huge capacity.
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