The PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is a programming language that allows web developers to create dynamic content that interacts with databases. PHP is basically used for developing web-based software applications. This tutorial helps you to build your base with PHP.

Here is my plan to learn PHP in 10 days.

Day 1: Learn PHP in 10 days
Download Required files/program to run a PHP/MySQL script
Configure server
PHP syntax basics
Run your first PHP Program
Day 2: PHP String & Arrays
PHP strings and String Functions
PHP Arrays and array functions
Day 3: PHP / MySQL
PHP /MySQL Introduction
Inserting Data and Deleting Data in PHP/MySQL

Getting data from Database and showing it on the web page
Updating data online
Day 5:
PHP / Mysql Database Script Analysis
Starting our First Blog application Development
Day 6:
Adding and Deleting Categories
Listing Database Categories
Day 7:
Adding Posts and Showing Posts to users
Deleting Posts
Editing Posts
Day 8:
Introduction to PHP Sessions
Introduction  to PHP Cookies
Day 9:
PHP variables and global variables.
Introduction to send data from one page to another page
Day 10: Protecting PHP website
PHP security basics
PHP security functions
SQL Injections and Form injection preventions
Note:- I will try my best to post day by day articles on PHP so that it will easy to all of you.
Happy Reading.
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